Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Computer Crashes

My computer is now dead. Or at least dying. Hard to say when it won't even boot up properly. The hard drive isn't recognized, which means it's either come loose somehow (I'm looking at you, Zot), or it might have fried. And thus I lose all my music... again.

I'm reading through old MySpace messages, and finding that I actually HAD friends at one point. Don't know why I lost touch with them. I guess it just happens sometimes. Have you ever noticed that pattern with friends online? For a while you message back and forth multiple times a day, then something happens and you just lose touch completely. I haven't spoken to this person in over a year. A YEAR! It seems like the time just slips by without my notice, until too much has passed to really catch up. I suppose that's how life is supposed to go, though. People come in and out of our lives in such a way that they either make a huge impact, or no impact at all. I hadn't even thought of this person since the last time I heard from him.

I've also been checking my OTHER MySpace account, one specifically geared toward a particular group of people. It's fun to read the messages there, but some of them are a little insistent. I'm using it to learn how to say "no" to someone, and not care if they unfriend me. I guess it's a good exercise in human interaction. After all, not everyone is always going to like you, so it's probably a healthy idea to get used to that fact.

I'm going to go sketch for a while, and watch some television. Somehow the brain-numbing activity of television gives me the creativity I lack on these meds.

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